Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Matrix Ping-pong: Original versus Copycat

I found very creative folks in a Japanese television show just about five years ago. It was cool as they can blend ping-pong with The Matrix sensation. You may probably want to see how they work!

Recently when I was searching out videos in YouTube, suddenly I found folks from another part of the world “copycat” how those Japanese folks did for the show. When I look at the copycat version, I feel that it was so lame and nothing special about it. But many people still found it very entertaining!   

Monday, January 24, 2011

Japanese Hologram Concert: When dream comes into reality

That’s the video of Japanese hologram concert, in which those people have brought an animated character to sing lively in front of audiences. I am often amazed with how those people who created such concert made it happen. When we were kids, we were all dreaming to be able to meet those cartoon or anime characters in televisions. Now people have already invented on how to make such dream comes truly alive.

Furthermore, I salute those musicians that carry on the concerts very well. When observed, the musicians at the back have been working so hard to be able to synchronize their melody with the singing hologram. If somehow one of those musicians were not able to make it, the whole concert would ruin up and synchronization did not happen. That’s the amazing thing in performing such concert and, I believe, they must have spent a lot of their energy and time for training and bashing at the stage prior to their performance.

Making a dream into reality does need power and passion inside you to make it into reality. Those people who made the concert happened are the ones who got driving force that realizing their dreams. The lesson we can learn is that: have your dream, open your eyes and mind, and do have passion to make your dream come true. Most often the passion is the one that drive you to be hard working more than you used to be. All in all, I believe that the poorest man is actually the man who does not have a dream. When he has no dream, he definitely has no passion in carrying on his life.      

Bruno Mars: Among Praising and Cursing Girlfriend

Who doesn’t know Bruno Mars? Yeah, his song was very phenomenal back in 2010, even till today. When I go to public places, restaurants, shopping malls and even radios, I often hear his songs. The public’s favorite song from him is “Just the Way You are”, as you often listen to it many times. So, listen to the song and observe the lyrics carefully.

What can you say from the lyric and the symphony of the song? The lyric is just beautiful and magnificent, especially it’s all about praising women and how to appreciate them. Some people think that it is best as a wedding song. Some people are just addicted to it, and can’t stop listening and singing it. One of my friends even used it to make his girl-friend happy during her birthday party. So, what can we say? Perhaps, it was one of the best songs ever aired in 2010.

Not long after the song is aired, Bruno comes with a song of which the concept is totally 180 degree from his previous. The song he brought is “Grenade”. Once you listen to the song and read the lyrics, you most probably notice the difference from the previous song he brought.

What I observe is that Bruno Mars is such a brilliant singer with inconsistent songs. In the previous song, we feel how powerful he praises women. But his next song is about cursing women and even depicts them as bad, mad and the ones who come from the devil. Though this song is cursive for women, I have seen some of my male friends, who even have got their girlfriends, find that this song is addicted as they sing it every day and post their video in YouTube. I didn’t know how their girlfriends feel when they listen their boys sing such cursive song. Felt offended or amazed, whatever. It’s just a song meant for making everybody entertained and feel alive, isn’t it? 

Introductory to BROMANCE!

Many people have found this video is funny as it shows a close relationship between males. It may not necessarily depict “gay”-ness, but those people inside the video made it so amusing! You may take a look and see what’s bromance is about!

Bromance does exist and it’s just everywhere. Even I have spotted some of my male Indonesian friends are in bromance! Off course, I won’t tell you specifically who they are! XD

It’s about romantic relationship among males, but it is not equivalent as gay. When males become so close and they are hugging each other, they may probably be bromance, but it’s too close already till they’re hugging, kissing, and whatever abnormal, they’ve become gay! That’s probably, how the romatic friendship involves. I suppose bromance may be just below the level of gay. However, I believe that all gays are bromance. Well perhaps, that’s only my assumption. You may write ur assumptions too if you got!

The best example of bromance may be perhaps the friendship between hobbit Frodo and Samwise in Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring novels and movies. Another example would be Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick, Doctor Watson as we may see them throughout the story of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novels and its movie. Well, you may name your friends if you know they’re under the category! ;p

Well yeah, just like microorganisms, BROMANCE is just everywhere!   

NB: no offence to all my Indonesian friends inside the photos ya! Just for fun only and everybody makes fun, y'know! ;p  *Hugs* dan salam bromance! x) 

Another cool video to watch! ;p

This video is still from the same video game that has brought the controversial scene ever made. The ending of Modern Warfare 2 is just outstanding and really does beyond our comprehension. When I saw this movie, my comment was “wow! This is one of the best scenes I’ve every scene!” Coz I felt like watching an ending of action movie as how the creator of the game bring it that way. Here’s the video and enjoy ur watch! ;) 

Warning: It may contain a disturbing video for you! LOL

Many people said that the scene of No Russian in “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” is too bloody violent as in where it depicts a massacre in a Russian airport. Out from its controversies, I found that the particular part of the game is captivating and it’s successful in bringing pungent sensation of how evil the massacre is. You might be interested in watching the scene, but be aware that viewer discretion is importantly advised… ;p

Did you find it so disturbing? Well, that’s the coolness of the scene! x)  
If you are interested in finding more about the controversies around the world upon the video game, you may simply see from Mister Wiki's

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Origin of Solid Snake

This is one of my favorite video-game characters. It’s Solid Snake from the Metal Gear video game series, as you can see the character below.

 The Legendary Solid Snake

Briefly, Solid Snake is a special operation agent, super-spy, and as well as a war hero worked for the government to undergo various black operations upon incidents that mostly involving terrorists with their bipedal robots carrying nuclear weapon, which are the Metal Gear themselves. He is a super soldier with IQ 180 and able to speak 6 languages fluently. Due to its outstanding competency and professionalism in every assignment he handles, he is known as the man who changes impossible to possible (sounds so hyperbolic huh??  ;p).

This character was created by Hideo Kojima, the father of Metal Gear series, in 1987 and was incepted in his first game. In making the character, the creator has been influenced by many western movies. One of the movies which give the heaviest influence is Escape from New York premiered in 1981. Here’s the trailer:

(Note: I've already watched the movie this week. If you're interested in watching that oldie movie, come and get it! ;p) 

The main protagonist is the one that the creator of the game referred to, as he is named Bob “Snake” Plissken. Just like Solid Snake, Plissken is a war hero turned to be a criminal. He is recalled for duty by the US government to do difficult tasks, in which he must rescue the president from the hands of the criminals in New York city alone and within 24 hours, though he managed to do such difficult assignment.  

Snake Plissken, portrayed by Kurt Russel in the sequel of John Carpenter's movie Escape from L.A. in 1996.

Besides having the same code name as “Snake”, both characters share mutual features, as they are special operatives under the government and as well as war heroes. They’re all good at fighting and shooting guns. They don’t working in team, rather they do their action in the field alone (though only back-ups from their comrades through radio and allies they found during their assignment). Last but not least, they are the men who are able to change impossible to possible.

When I saw the movie and the main protagonist being named as Snake Plissken, I started to sat to myself “Hey, is that the guy from the Metal Gear games?”. Observing from the appearance of Plissken, his hair style, his eye patch and how he dressed up, I thought that he was the copy of the Solid Snake! And how come was Solid Snake being copied by the western? That was my question. After some research, I found that the name “Plissken” was used by Solid Snake for his alias in the game of “Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty”. However, the name was spelt differently as “Pliskin”. From there, I may conclude that the adoption of such name indicates how the character of the movie has influence the creator of the game to bring the mimic character into reality.
That’s all my research, and if you guys are the fan of Metal Gear series or researchers of the game or the movie, I welcome you to share all your thoughts here! Thanks! XD 

Best of Solid Snake 
(from the video game of "Metal Gear Solid: the Twin Snakes", as he confronted Gray Fox) 

Just a dream: a fan-made music video versus the original singer

This video makes me addicted as how Sam Tsui and Christina Grimmie have sung the song in such a way that’s lovely. You may be attracted to their video too!

According to the statistics of the video in YouTube, there are already around 10 million people world-wide have watched this video, in which 113 thousand like it and only 900 people dislike it (yeah, those 900 was only dreaming to sing like them... ;p). From the statistics, it reflects that the singers are able to bring quality and musical sensation to the watchers in YouTube. As I saw previously a month ago, it was only around 5 million people had watched it and, as this article is written, it’s been doubled. How amazing!

I have found that the way they sing is more addicting than the original singer bringing the song. Some watchers of the video commented that the original singer had been officially owned! Hopefully this won’t offend the real person who brought the song… x)

Yup, this is from the person who brought the song. It’s by Mister Nelly and, yeah, enjoy the song folks! XD   


Giving daddy a hand

Perhaps some of you have read my posted story here as I told you last time in my previous blog.

At last, I have found myself useful by helping daddy in his work, though I am staying far from him. Two weeks ago, he requested me to buy components of Ford Ranger XL as he needed them to craft the pickup truck. He had to ask me to purchase those in Malaysia since there were no stocks available in Indonesia back then, and he had to wait delivery from Ford Thailand at the end of February! It was definitely too long for him to wait for the stock to arrive, and thus he decided to urge me to get the items overseas. Here’s the list of components he wanted me to buy:

I managed to have contact with Ford Malaysia and ordered those specified components my dad wanted to purchase. They needed to buy some time to prepare those spare parts and, at last, the stocks were available to be picked up three days later. Therefore, I took the components from Ford Malaysia dealer in Petaling Jaya. The items were as pictured below:

My uncle from Indonesia was visiting KL when I got the items from the dealer. Since my dad really wanted to get the items as soon as possible, he urged me to deliver those to my uncle. It was definitely very troublesome to ask my uncle to carry as the items had the total weight of around 7 to 8 kilograms! But thank God that he was willing to help us and managed to bring the items to my dad safely.         

From this, I leant how to be responsible in handling such task and able to make it within one week. Even though I got bad fever by the time my dad asked me to help him, I thank God that He made me able to accomplish it well. Furthermore, I learnt to look such assignment not as a burden, but as a challenge that I must complete.

Wishing all the best for my daddy with his work over there! ;)  

Where's the owner?? o.O

I posted this article just about last week (Saturday, 15/1/11) but . Ok, let me recall…

It appeared that owner of a purple New Proton Saga, the car parked in Taman Connaught area, was missing. The car had been parked in the particular area since Pasar Malam on Wednesday evening (12/1/11), which was just about three nights before I wrote this article. I captured some images that you may be interested in.

The photos were taken on Saturday, 15/1/11, around 4 pm. 

As observed from the pictures above, the car was parked just in the middle of the road, which might give absurd impression from drivers passing through the area. They might even have though why the driver was so blonde at parking his/her car in such a wrong place. It actually because the driver of the purple car left the car parked in the middle alignment as he/she went for Pasar Malam since parking cars in that particular way was legalized for that evening time only. The car was given multiple summon (more likely it’s surat tilang) from local police officers patrolling the area. The policemen might have noticed that the owner of the car had gone missing, but they did not take any action upon such condition.

Some people in the neighborhood made speculations why the owner of the car was missing. They said that he/she was kidnapped by a group of mysterious people, and some said he/she was murdered during that night and dumped the body somewhere else. Till now, I've got no idea what where the body had gone, but I believe only God knows what has happened to that fellow.

My housemate told me that on Wednesday afternoon, 19/1/11, just about a week after it was parked, the car was finally dragged and removed from where it’s parked. It appears that police needs it to be inspected. But too bad I did not manage to take any photos from the site. Furthermore, I look forward to knowing the continued part of this mysterious event… ;p

Joke of the event: 
some drivers passing by even did not notice that the car had been parked in the middle of the road. They were queuing and expected the parked purple car moved! They horned, but the car didn't move on till they really pissed off! XD

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What's up, doc?

Greetings to all readers!

I hate to tell you that this is not my first blog or even my first post ever! This is even my second blog as my first blog was blocked as it was developed. It gives me a terrible experience as a newbie that has already posted several articles!

On Wednesday, 19th January 2011, accidentally my own developed blog has been blocked. Basically, I did nothing wrong on it and I was only merely setting out its lay out, so that I can be nicer than its previous design. Suddenly, the layout page hangs-up and I closed it. When re-opened, I couldn’t even view my own blog. Since then, I realized that the center had already blocked my blog! As investigated somehow the central computer though that my blog was a spam!  

Therefore, I was a little bit confuse cum curious, and then started to browse the internet on how to restore my blog. At last, I tried to re-sign in and follow the instruction inside to restore my blog and unlock request was sent to the central computer of blogger. As the result, I received this notification:

I’ve been waiting till today and, at last, decided to develop a new one. Hopefully this newly developed blog will not be blogged like what it happened to my first one. The lesson I learnt from this accident is that I must save every article that I posted to my blog, so that I may have back-ups once (somehow) it’s deleted.

Enjoy the reading and God bless all! =)